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Jack Ratliff

Garland, TX - 75040

Member Since : 29 Mar. 2021


Raised in a Christian home was blessed with a lot of skills and talents by God technically I was born with autistic spectrum disorder savant, God gave me a talent for art, computers, music play music write read music and countless other things I didn't have to go to school for art didn't take any classes, I started drawing at three and a half reading scripture 4 had at least 30 hobbies growing up had more things to occupy my time then you can imagine except people, I didn't consider them as interesting as things that I was into I actually couldn't emotionally connect to people, spent a lot of time in a solitary life, I still have a lot of free time that I spend studying scripture spent the last five years in Scripture studying it since around 2017 to 18 lost my faith in my teenage years fell away from the faith and got lost really lost got into some really bad beliefs got into the occult and a bunch of other not so nice things and most of my life I suffer from suicidal depression made several attempts and just made really bad choices in life should be dead at least 10 times over from multiple attempts to end it and nothing that I found satisfied nothing made me happy as well as doing stupid stunts that should have killed me had a break down a few years ago hit depression worse than I ever experienced 7 Days of debilitating depression not to mention you know in and out of church did alter calls cuz I wanted to you know follow Christ but nothing ever changed because I wasn't saved I wasn't reborn no matter how many times I went down the aisle it wasn't until the Holy Spirit came during that week of debilitating depression when I couldn't do anything but go to the bathroom come back sleep and just grieve no matter how many times I ask for forgiveness I never received it but the holy Spirit revealed to me about the debt I was carrying on others I wasn't forgiving others for anything money they owe me things they did to me things they didn't do for me, God won't forgive you unless you're willing to forgive others and once I forgave everything I was able to receive forgiveness that I can't describe it the peace I received is unlike anything I've ever experienced, my mind became quiet all that junk that I was into was gone I had experienced being born, to go from death into life the difference was as different as night is from the day and my interest and what I was into switched to what I didn't like which was Christian music the Bible God anything that had to do with God I didn't like before used to get under my skin now that's all I want his word his presence his holy Spirit even Christian music that's all I can listen to I don't like secular music anymore and I used to be a strictly heavy metal listener and not the regular heavy metal I mean heavy metal music were they sing about serial killers and other horrible things I thought everything else sucked now it's just the opposite and so many other things that you can't imagine I can't stand to get on Computers the Internet any technology I grew up working on computers spent most of my life on computers since like Windows 3.1 till Windows 7 there wouldn't have been a day you wouldn't have caught me on the computer watching movies or playing video games PlayStation PSP any console system except for Xbox I didn't like Xbox I still don't but after that I I got rid of everything, Correction God got rid of it all my desire for all that junk and gave me a desire for everything he had offer it took me 3 days to go down the list of things and people I had to forgive anything and everything must be forgiven in order to be forgiven and a debt is a debt if you want him to lift the debt of sin off you you're going to have to do it for others first, Jesus said if you do not forgive men of there trespasses then God will not forgive you of yours