Who We Are
FindAHouseChurch.com is a free church directory provided by CENTRAL STOREHOUSE, INC., a non-profit Christian organization with a heart to connect the Body of Christ (CHURCH) beyond the brick and mortar establishments. Our goal is to provide the house church directory that will help to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” outside the walls. We believe that the Church was never meant to be a consumer-based initiative, meant for only the few elect to minister, but a living organism empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring salvation through JESUS and the Kingdom of Heaven into this world. Every person who carries the Spirit of God inside them are called to make disciples, love their brothers and sisters beyond brief interactions on Sunday, and destroy the works of the Kingdom of Darkness. FindAHouseChurch.com empowers all Christians to turn their homes into places of worship and discipleship. In light of the current status of the world, we believe the house church movement is not only an amazing contingency plan for church gathering, but a return of the model we read about in the book of Acts, that will lead to the greatest evangelistic explosion in the history of the world...sending workers into the harvest fields..