
House Church



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Austin Staggs

Lipan, TX - 76462

Member Since : 30 Jan. 2024


I have grown up in church and have had seasons of faith and doubt, certainty and disbelief. As I think about it, for me, God is found in the in-between; the middle space where the questions hang and our deepest longings meet the longings of our neighbors in open and transformative spaces. I am a husband, a father, a minister, and an amateur homesteader. My core belief is that God is in all things. So, my children are beacons of Gods love and joy. My chickens are beacons of Gods creative sustaining power, and the trees I encounter every day as I look out my window are God's lungs taking in life and breathing it back out to us. In all of it, God is present to us as we are present to each other.